Files. First they accumulated in filing cabinets, on shelves or maybe in stacks all over your desk. You saw a little bit of virtualization in action when files became floppy disks, then stored on a disk drive and as cute little icons on our computers. The future of technology is approaching the kind of stuff you’ve only seen in sci-fi movies and television shows. And who would’ve thought one of the first places we’d see the future is in an office setting? What’s this exciting new technology? Virtualization, and at Barton Logistics, we’re on it! Here is what’s happening.
You’d be surprised what kind of information goes into getting those dolls in happy children’s hands. It’s the magic of shipping. And for us over here at Barton Logistics it is exciting to make it all happen. From driver screening, to finding the right kind of insurance, to security, to quality assurance… Our top of the line, cutting-edge technology is what makes these transactions fast and efficient. Transporting dolls or anything else from point A to point B means that there’s an unfathomable amount of information flying through the ether. How much information? Well, there’s more all the time. You may have heard of megabytes and gigabyte, terabytes , those are so 20th century. Now, there’s a new one. The Exabyte. In addition to disk drives getting bigger and servers getting faster there is another form of virtualization that allows for our storage to expand. Imagine a server that grows as your e-mail inbox does. It expands with you. Now that’s something we can get excited about.